Insect Wiki

A Culex mosquito

Mosquitoes are insects that bite humans and animals for their blood. They do this in order to reproduce. They are also known as the Vampire Bug.



Mosquitoes belong to the Diptera order and the Culicidae family, in which there are 3,100 species of mosquito.

Life cycle[]

Culex larvae

Mosquito larva

A female mosquito will drink a victim's blood. Once this is done, the female will find a body of water and will then lay her eggs there. She will lay her eggs in groups of 30 to 300. The larvae are saprophagous or eat other larvae to live. They are hairy and elongate and breathe out of a tube called a siphon. The whole cycle takes less than 3 weeks.


The purpose of blood is to reproduce. Once the blood is digested, the mosquito hydrolyzes it into amino acids, which help with the creation of eggs.


Once a mosquito bites a victim, it will spit saliva into the wound to prevent bleeding.


Humans may believe that a female mosquito uses blood as food, but blood is only used for reproduction. Nectar is the main course for mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes are found worldwide. Adults are usually found in woodlands, while the larva could appear in any amount of water.


Symptoms of Malaria

Symptoms of Malaria

Mosquitoes have been known to transmit many diseases and viruses such as:

  • Malaria
  • West Nile
  • Dengue fever
  • Yellow fever
  • Encephalitis
  • Filariasis


There are many ways to control mosquitoes such as removing stagnant water and or breeding areas, predators, and trapping. Garlic oil can prevent mosquitoes for up to four weeks.


Erythemis simplicicollis

A mosquito has many predators, such as dragonflies, bats, Toxorhynchites, many species of fish, and also humans.

